• Emoties (angst, rouw & verlies, depressie, burn-out,…)
• Relaties (familie, vrienden en (ex)partner)
• Identiteit & zingeving (onzekerheid, zelfvertrouwen, zelfbeeld,
• Spanning, stress en piekeren
• Alle vragen mbt ouderschap en alle uitdagingen die erbij komen.
• Opvoedingsvragen (huilen, driftbuiten & agressie, verdriet, angst, niet luisteren, niet meewerken, zeuren & hangen, inslapen & doorslapen, eten, stress, discipline en grenzen, opvoeden zonder straffen en belonen, hechting, schelden & vloeken, samen spelen & niet willen delen, teveel scherm gebruik, … voor meer info
• Bezorgdheden tijdens de zwangerschap, mama-worden, papa-worden,…
• Fertiliteit en (onvervulde) kinderwens

The Transformation
After our sessions, people notice a wonderful change in both their inner world and in their environment!
They transform critical and obstructive thoughts into loving and supportive thoughts . This removes the chaos and conflicting voices in their heads, and they find more mental peace .
They learn to take their feelings seriously and use them as an inner compass to discover what they really need. This leads to a deeper connection with their body , which reduces or eliminates physical complaints because the body no longer has to scream so loudly to get attention.
With a renewed connection to their intuition, they feel freer and closer to their authentic selves. This strengthens their confidence and energy , allowing them to navigate through life with more certainty and vitality.
In addition, they find that they develop more effective communication , especially when it comes to expressing their needs and offering loving boundaries . This promotes lasting changes that are not just temporary fixes, but real, lasting improvements in their lives and parenting.
The result? More peace, connection and fun in their lives and parenting.